Monday, November 16, 2009

Is beauty really only skin deep?

No its also in the eye of the beholder.

Is beauty really only skin deep?
it is with me i am a real cow underneath
Reply:beauty is in the eye of the beholder and skin ugly people say
Reply:I doesnt madder wat everybody else thinks you are b u t full no madder wat they say words cant bring u down.
Reply:No, like most "beautiful" people, it's much shallower.
Reply:yeah and apparently ugly goes straight through to the bone
Reply:This is the type of question that really makes you think. In my opinion, this is one of the most truthful sayings about beauty out there. In my opinion, I think it is. I mean, someone can be very beautiful on the outside and be quite ugly on the inside. I'm tired of hearing people say that someone who's not as attractive on the outside is quite alluring internally because this is false. Whether we are unattractive or quite sensually alluring, we are all somewhat ugly on the inside. It doesn't have to be a great ugliness but in everyone of us, there is a tiny grain of ugliness that prevents us from being completely beautiful.
Reply:no. because the people that are nice are beautiful too, although some blonde bitches are decent looking, but are too self absorbed. not even blonde bitches, just plain bitches. beauty goes straight to your bones. or your heart, whichever sounds better.
Reply:no mine goes all the way to the bottom
Reply:No its also in the eye of the beholder. and how beaut-full you feel in your self.
Reply:people who aren't beautiful inside lack radiance - to be truly beautiful, only looks just don't cut it.
Reply:u r what u r
Reply:if it is then you must of been born inside out
Reply:What you put into your body plus lots of rest and little stress, are more important than what you put on your body.

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