Monday, November 16, 2009

Is beauty only skin deep? I know looks are not everything but Im having trouble liking the way this guy looks?

Have you ever met a guy and you were not attracted to him, but you gave it time and then it worked?

I was hooked up with this guy through a friend. The thing is, is that I am not attracted to him. Has anyone been hooked up with someone where you were not attracted to them? How long should I give it for him to grow on me. I just don't want to make any bad decisions and not give him a chance. I just don't feel like I could ever be with him. I know that looks are not everything. Has anyone ever been in my situation? This guy is totally different from me. He smokes and drinks and I don't. I hate the dating scene.

Is beauty only skin deep? I know looks are not everything but Im having trouble liking the way this guy looks?
Well, if you aren't attracted to him, AND he's totally different to you? why are you thinking about it? There must be a reason why you like go for it.
Reply:I think you have been trapped in the "mercy" idea. You don't really like the guy, he isn't who you usually would date, yet you feel bad that you don't like him. You wonder if you could change? Why? He still smokes and drinks and you still aren't attracted to him. Move on.
Reply:Read this link:


French Couple Celebrates 78th Wedding Anniversary

Centenarian Pair Among Oldest Living Couples


Jan. 15, 2006

While an estimated third of marriages end in divorce in France, and about 40 percent in the United States, Georges and Georgette Hebert beat the odds and celebrated their 78th wedding anniversary this month, defending France's romantic reputation. [/quote]

She doesn't look like a supermodel. Neither does he.

And so what?
Reply:I believe that attraction can come later, but only if you connect with the person on other levels. Someone that shares your passions, morals, and interests can quickly become quite attractive to you. I would give the guy a chance, and try to see if you connect with him in another way besides an initial physical attraction. If not, move on.... there is someone out there for everyone, and NEVER compromise what makes you you.

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