Monday, November 16, 2009

Is beauty really skin deep?Can a person with average looks and a clear conscience be described as beautiful?

And is there anything called inner beauty or beauty of the soul?

Is beauty really skin deep?Can a person with average looks and a clear conscience be described as beautiful?
The answer is 'YES'. What's more, the beauty you describe in your question is the only beauty that lasts the ravages of time and transcends the ages!
Reply:yes to all.
Reply:It's really hard to say these days.

People are either narcissistic or they completely hate their looks haha.

I do think everyone is beautiful in their own way. We may have features we do not like but then again there are features about us that are beautiful and gorgeous, we just focus on the negative things a lot so it's hard to see what really is nice. We have nice features that others like and then we have features that we may not like. Others may find those features nice? Who knows. It's pretty complicating nowadays. I think everyone tries to go for the one and the same look.

And yes there is inner beauty. Everyone is beautiful!! Inside or out. :)
Reply:I think the depth of inner beauty is acknowledged to the extent a person sees themselves.

People may look beautiful on the outside using clothing or grooming products, but deeper beauty (or true beauty) is neither tiresome nor influenced by popular opinion. And, it's different for everybody.
Reply:I believe that beauty is both, outter and inner. One person may see someones outter beauty and feel they are beautiful on the inside b/c they are infatuated with the outter appearance while some would look at someone with average looks and see them as a person and love them for who they are and that makes them beautiful to them. I believer in inner beauty and beauty of the soul. I think that someone can be beautiful on the outside and be an ugly person to others. Soul beauty to me, is a person who is mostly selfless and has goodness to the core of them,. that loves whole hearted and unconditionally. And how rare that is these days. Hope i helped u.

Reply:Absolutely. Beauty is really skin deep.
Reply:well we usually use the term beautiful with our outer appearance. but of course a person can be beautiful personality .
Reply:beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Reply:yes of course inner beauty exist it depends on that person everyone thinks differently everyone is beautiful in their own way
Reply:yes to all
Reply:Whether man, woman or child, our face is our fortune—it influences how people feel about us and in turn, how we feel about ourselves. Studies have shown that attractive people are hired first. Attractive people find life partners much more easily than those who are not very attractive. Even good looking children receive kinder treatment when it comes to daily interactions. Thus, our face can open the door to a great job, or cause us to be the person remembered across a crowded room. To be considered a beautiful woman or a handsome man is everyone's dream, the guarantee that love and success are sure to follow.

However, I would like to ask, what makes someone look appealing from the outside? If a good-looking person goes for a job interview, is he/she employed based on looks only? No, this is not true. What the majority of us see is the beauty of appearance, what we call "looking good." It has little to do with personality, character, wit or morality, and that is because anything that applies to how things look is not a reliable guide to many of their other qualities. Namely, the chestnut about "beauty is skin deep" while obviously true in some sense, is obviously not true in another sense. There is an objective beauty that is measurable. But the deeper beauty is much more subjective and that is in the eye of the beholder.

Here, I would like to bring out the point that what makes someone attractive is something that comes from within. It is inner beauty which largely a matter of the thoughts we think, the deeds we do and the interest we show in others. In short, beauty is a reflection of what we are inside ourselves.

It is our self-confidence that makes us stand out from everyone in a crowd. The way we feel about ourselves has an effect on how other perceive our character as a being. If we believe in ourselves, so will other people.

Therefore, yes a person with average looks and a clear conscience can be described as beautifully beautiful :)
Reply:Yes the best example to prove this is that we all find all babies beautiful!!!!

snake plant

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