Monday, November 16, 2009

Is Beauty really skin deep?

yep, I think so. the inside is waht matters

Is Beauty really skin deep?
Yes, not only is it skin deep, it is in the eye of the beholder.
Reply:Ugly goes right to the bone!
Reply:i think so. that explains why some cute people date ugly people.
Reply:Yes beauty is skin deep because i have seen some really hot guys and pretty women but their attitudes were nasty and made them ugly
Reply:Yup the inside matters not so much the out.
Reply:Beauty is everything that makes a person happy and fun to be around so no I do not think that it is only skin deep I agree that beauty is also what is inside not just on the outside! :-)
Reply:no. there is internal beauty, like if you are a good person you are beautiful on the inside. If you are gorgeous and sexy and are a bad person your beauty is skin deep.
Reply:YES ofcourse, didn't your parents tell you so!
Reply:no. i think you can be pretty on the outside and pretty on the inside. and i have seen some really ugly people who were just as ugly on the inside.
Reply:I am a firm believer that your attitude influences how you look. Nothing makes a tall, skinny, cute girl uglier than a bitchy attitude.
Reply:Actually no, symmetry in facial features is likely to have correlation i n internal features, brain lobes, etc.

However, beautiful individuals, being popular, are not confronted with adverse environments in childhood, forsaking the effect of being "challenged" by peers and possible not being liked by adults, if you view these as significant.

Support Hallitubes:
Reply:It is great to have beauty on the out side but it is even better to have beauty on the in side. When you feel beautiful it is more likely that you will look beautiful. Be the person you want to be and you will see that is what really matters!
Reply:Is Beauty really skin deep?


When you get old, what happens? You don't look the same way when you were 18. My definition of beauty is a smile, a laugh, a hug, etc. We are just in a shell of a body made by the dirt of the earth. The real beauty is what's in the spirit inside.
Reply:Beauty is subjective. One can say a person is beautiful or not. But in truth, true beauty lies with the heart of the person. It is that heart that the Lord sees and not how one looks like physically. And people can tell by a certain aura, whether a person is beautiful or not. By the way they talk, act and see themselves. That identifies beauty!
Reply:It depends in how you see it........shallow people see the outside..while wholehearted see all beauty

just like goes straight to the heart.

You can have beauty on the outside..........but if your heart is shows.


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