Monday, November 16, 2009

Do You Think, 'Beauty Is Just Skin Deep'? If Not, How Real Deep BeauTy is ?

I've never seen you, and you, Tommy, are so beautiful to me. Real beauty is your mind, because I love the way you think. so if beauty is only skin deep and love is blind, then you already know the answer. Real beauty is from within, and real beauty will shine through no matter what skin we are in. Right now I've never been more comfortable in my own skin, so many people have been good to me lately from here and in my personal life. When I was young I always dressed like a boy, and I was an ugly duckling, because it was my father who raised me, but if they could see me now, this Tom boy grew up strong and right! So all of my real friends knew my inner beauty, when I was a skinny little nerd. Now the people who like me for my looks don't know the real me, but when they do know the real me then they are friends for life.

Do You Think, 'Beauty Is Just Skin Deep'? If Not, How Real Deep BeauTy is ?
No, beauty is both internal AND external.
Reply:skin deep.

its not a feeling to me.
Reply:No, beauty is inside and out.
Reply:beauty is skin deep .Because beauty fades and then you are lefted with a ugly selfish person and then u can see all there ugly evil ways.So I like a persons heart and mind then there beauty shines through.
Reply:yes, i do.! some ppl can be the most geourgeous, prettiest ppl to LOOK at, but there looks dont make them the real person they are!,,it all has to do with what they are inside that matteres the most, a kind, careing, compassinate , forgiving heart!!! dosent matter if they are physically attractive or not, there inner beauty will shine through, if they possesse it!
Reply:Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. IT's always There you jusT have To look for iT.
Reply:Yeah beauty is just skin deep its how a person pro trays themselves on their actions how they respond and how genuine they are. They might be the most ugliest person but if they have a good heart and a loving personality that would be what I was looking for.
Reply:No beauty is not just skin deep.

Real Beauty is how the person's personality is.
Reply:Since beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, it does not have to be skin deep.
Reply:I think the outer beauty is only temporary. And someone can be pretty from the outside but ugly from the inside.
Reply:I knew this girl in high school and she was a real beauty.....years later I ran into her and she was a washed out hog....let herself go to s.h.i.t....big time.....That is when I realized, the beauty is just skin deep.....she was a real hag, not one ounce of personality.......

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